Mostly Cloudy 12°F

Temperature & Precipitation Records
Day High Temperature Low Temperature Precipitation Snowfall
1st86°F (2001) 28°F (1961) 1.54 in (1953) Trace (1978)
2nd90°F (2018) 29°F (1974) 1.29 in (1992) Trace (1986)
3rd89°F (1913) 29°F (1966) 1.55 in (1936) Trace (1986)
4th91°F (1944) 28°F (1985) 2.17 in (1893) Trace (1986)
5th91°F (1944) 29°F (1974) 1.70 in (1878) Trace (1900)
6th89°F (1930) 29°F (1969) 0.73 in (1947) Trace (1994)
7th92°F (1930) 29°F (1874) 1.30 in (1908) 0.2 in (1967)
8th91°F (1936) 26°F (1968) 1.93 in (1886) Trace (1977)
9th93°F (1979) 27°F (1956) 0.94 in (1961) 1.6 in (1977)
10th92°F (1970) 28°F (1958) 2.01 in (1931) 5.0 in (1945)
11th90°F (1911) 29°F (1966) 1.16 in (1996) 0.5 in (1907)
12th91°F (1881) 29°F (1969) 2.16 in (2006) Trace (1996)
13th86°F (1991) 29°F (2020) 1.80 in (1897) Trace (1953)
14th93°F (1900) 30°F (1996) 1.54 in (1937) 0.0 in (----)
15th93°F (1900) 31°F (1977) 2.02 in (1938) 0.0 in (----)
16th89°F (1991) 33°F (1980) 1.34 in (1972) 0.0 in (----)
17th92°F (2017) 30°F (1959) 1.35 in (1953) 0.0 in (----)
18th94°F (1962) 29°F (1981) 1.27 in (1973) 2.2 in (2002)
19th91°F (1989) 29°F (1981) 1.27 in (1976) Trace (1976)
20th91°F (1962) 29°F (2002) 1.82 in (1889) 0.0 in (----)
21st92°F (1941) 32°F (1949) 1.76 in (1954) Trace (1895)
22nd97°F (1911) 33°F (2002) 1.15 in (2013) 0.0 in (----)
23rd93°F (1964) 36°F (1967) 1.43 in (1983) 0.0 in (----)
24th92°F (1964) 29°F (1963) 1.62 in (1979) 0.0 in (----)
25th94°F (1981) 30°F (1956) 0.91 in (1874) 0.0 in (----)
26th94°F (1914) 38°F (1972) 1.16 in (1957) Trace (1953)
27th94°F (1914) 30°F (1969) 2.03 in (1906) 0.0 in (----)
28th93°F (2016) 33°F (1994) 1.13 in (1882) Trace (1902)
29th93°F (1931) 34°F (1956) 2.17 in (1968) 0.0 in (----)
30th92°F (1987) 33°F (1967) 1.44 in (1956) 0.0 in (----)
31st92°F (1937) 34°F (1961) 1.67 in (1998) 0.0 in (----)

Data collected at the Albany (NY) International Airport. Temperature records date back to 1874 and precipitation records date back to 1826.

Source National Centers for Environmental Information