Week-to-Date Graphs

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Week-to-Date | Month-to-Date | Year-to-Date
Last Update: 6:05pm EST -- February 12, 2025
Graphs below update every three hours.
Temperature, Humidity and Pressure

Wind Speed and Direction

Precipitation and Evapotranspiration

Rainfall data above includes the liquid equivalent of snow, freezing rain and sleet that falls during the winter months.
Evapotranspiration (ET) is the sum of evaporation and plant transpiration. Evaporation accounts for the movement of water to the air from sources such as the soil, canopy interception, and water bodies. Transpiration accounts for the movement of water within a plant and the subsequent loss of water as vapor through stomata in its leaves. Evapotranspiration is an important part of the water cycle.
Heating and Cooling Degree Days

One heating degree–day is the amount of heat required to keep a structure at 65°F when the outside temperature remains one degree below the 65°F threshold for 24 hours. One heating degree–day is also the amount of heat required to keep that structure at 65°F when the temperature remains 24°F below that 65° threshold for 1 hour.
One cooling degree–day is the amount of cooling required to keep a structure at 65°F when the outside temperature remains one degree above the 65°F threshold for 24 hours. One cooling degree–day is also the amount of cooling required to keep that structure at 65°F when the temperature remains 24°F above that 65° threshold for 1 hour.
Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) - Moisture content in wood affects both the size and strength of lumber. If you know the EMC of the storage or manufacturing area (which is derived using temperature and humidity readings), you can also determine the moisture content of the wood stored there.
Solar Radiation and Energy

What we call "current solar radiation" is technically known as Global Solar Radiation, a measure of the intensity of the sun’s radiation reaching a horizontal surface. This irradiance includes both the direct component from the sun and the reflected component from the rest of the sky. The solar radiation reading gives a measure of the amount of solar radiation hitting the solar radiation sensor at any given time, expressed in Watts per square meter (W/m2).
Solar Energy - The amount of accumulated solar radiation energy over a period of time is measured in Langleys.
1 Langley = 11.622 Watt-hours per square meter = 3.687 BTUs per square foot = 41.84 kilojoules per square meter
Ultraviolet (UV) Index and Dose

Energy from the sun reaches the earth as visible, infrared, and ultraviolet (UV) rays. Exposure to UV rays can cause numerous health problems, such as sun burn, skin cancer, skin aging, and cataracts, and can suppress the immune system.
MED stands for Minimum Erythemal Dose, defined as the amount of sunlight exposure necessary to induce a barely perceptible redness of the skin within 24 hours after sun exposure. In other words, exposure to 1 MED will result in a reddening of the skin. Because different skin types burn at different rates, 1 MED for persons with very dark skin is different from 1 MED for persons with very light skin.