Sunny 48°F

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NOUS41 KALY 231200
800 AM EDT Tue April 23 2024

...Severe Weather Awareness Week Continues...

Today we review severe thunderstorms.

Severe thunderstorms are defined as thunderstorms with wind Speeds
of 58 mph or greater and or hail of one inch in diameter or larger.
Severe thunderstorms occur most frequently during the summer and
during the afternoon, but occur in all seasons and at all times of
the day.

Severe thunderstorm winds uproot and snap trees, take down power,
cable and internet lines and can cause structural damage to
buildings. Hail can damage roofs and siding and shatter glass. You
should prepare for severe thunderstorms. Develop a severe weather
safety plan. Identify safe shelters where you can go should a severe
thunderstorm threaten. Keep tuned to your favorite media outlet for
the latest National Weather Service statements concerning severe

Although the National Weather Service issues warnings for only those
thunderstorms expected to meet wind and hail warning criteria, all
thunderstorms are dangerous. By definition, thunderstorms contain
lightning. If you can hear thunder, you can be struck by lightning.
Once you hear thunder, seek shelter immediately in a safe structure.
Most lightning fatalities occur when people are caught outdoors.
If thunder roars, go indoors.

Thunderstorms require moisture, lift and unstable air to develop.
Moisture is necessary for the clouds and rain. Lift is usually
supplied by warm or cold fronts, sea or lake breezes, mountains or
the sun`s heat. Lift supplied to moist air in an unstable
environment results in the development of thunderstorms.

Thunderstorms progress through three stages: developing, mature and
dissipating. It is in the mature stage that thunderstorms are most
dangerous, capable of producing severe weather.

The National Weather Service issues severe thunderstorm watches and
warnings to alert the public to a severe thunderstorm threat. A
severe thunderstorm watch means that severe thunderstorms are
possible. Continue with your daily routine, but be ready to take
quick action should a severe thunderstorm warning be issued. A
severe thunderstorm warning means that severe thunderstorms are
imminent or occurring. Seek shelter immediately.

NWS severe thunderstorm warnings are issued for small geographic
areas taking into account thunderstorm size and motion. If you
receive a severe thunderstorm warning, you are likely close to a
storm or storms. NWS severe thunderstorm warnings have a duration of
1 hour or less.

Tomorrow we take a look at severe weather safety and preparedness.

For more information on Severe Weather Awareness Week, go to our web
site or visit us on social media @NWSAlbany.
Help us make the United States a weather ready nation by sharing
this information with everyone you know.
NWS Albany

Source National Weather Service